5 - 8 October 2023

The Second Annual Trek for the Bongo

In October 2023, a group of 10 trekkers undertook the challenging journey to summit Mount Kenya's Lenana Peak while raising funds for the second annual Trek for the Bongo. Driven by their passion for the outdoors and a shared commitment to making a difference, they achieved a remarkable feat by summitting the peak in just three days, rather than the expected four. We are extremely proud of the team that undertook the vigorous climb, battling challenging terrain and unpredictable weather.

The Trek for the Bongo received support from corporate partners, generously contributing to the cause. The funds raised from the charity event went towards the veterinary care of the animals, supplementary nutrition and habitat restoration through tree planting.


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As a wildlife guardian, the work I do involves protecting and preserving nature. In 2023, I had the honor of representing the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy on the Trek for the Bongo all the way to Mount Kenya summit. During this journey, I was able to share my knowledge of the Mountain Bongos with the other hikers, which was a great source of pride for me. It was a wonderful experience that I encourage everyone to try at least once in their lifetime.

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