18 - 21 September 2022

The First Annual Trek for the Bongo

The inaugural Trek for the Bongo was held in 2022. Eli Roimen of the Janus Continental Group led this hiking expedition. Through his thrill for adventure and passion for wildlife, he raised critically needed funds to boost the Mountain Bongo breeding and rewilding program. Over three days, he successfully summited Mount Kenya’s Lenana peak three times! Our primary sponsor, Janus Continental Group, matched all the funds raised.


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As a wildlife guardian, the work I do involves protecting and preserving nature. In 2023, I had the honor of representing the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy on the Trek for the Bongo all the way to Mount Kenya summit. During this journey, I was able to share my knowledge of the Mountain Bongos with the other hikers, which was a great source of pride for me. It was a wonderful experience that I encourage everyone to try at least once in their lifetime.

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Trek for the Bongo 2022Trek for the Bongo 2022Trek for the Bongo 2022Trek for the Bongo 2022Trek for the Bongo 2022